Papdi chat

  • 1 box Mary Gone Crackers (oil free)
  • 1 boiled potato, mashed
  • ⅓ cup boiled black chick peas or any other beans
  • ¼ cup onions, finely chopped
  • ¼ cup tomatoes, finely chopped
  • Add some toasted sunflower seeds for crunch and a few peanuts
  • Garnish: Pomegranate seeds

Arrange about 10-12 crackers in a single layer in a plate

Add mashed potato to each cracker

Add 1-2 chickpeas to each

Add chopped onions to each

Add tomatoes to each

Add Green chutney

Add Date tamarind chutney

Drizzle plant based yogurt 

Garnish with pomegranate seeds. Serve immediately to retain crunch!!! ENJOY!!!




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